A Guide to Same-Day Crowns

16 January 2024
 Categories: Dentist, Blog

Dental crowns are one of the most common and essential restorative dental procedures. Whether you have a cracked tooth or want to improve your smile's aesthetics, dental crowns are an excellent solution. However, traditional crowns require at least two visits, and the entire process can take several weeks. Luckily, modern dentistry offers same-day crowns, a fast and convenient alternative to traditional dental crowns. If you're looking to upgrade your smile without the wait, here is everything you need to know about same-day crowns.

What Are Same-Day Crowns?

Same-day crowns are dental crowns milled and placed in a single appointment, usually within a few hours. Instead of leaving your damaged tooth exposed for weeks while waiting for a traditional crown, same-day crowns allow your dentist to restore your tooth's integrity and function the same day. The process uses digital technology, where images and measurements of your mouth are taken and transferred to a computer, which then mills the crown out of a block of ceramic.

The Benefits of Same-Day Crowns

Apart from the obvious advantage of getting a crown in a single appointment, same-day crowns have several benefits. Firstly, they don't require putty impressions, which can be uncomfortable and often require multiple attempts, resulting in a longer procedure. Secondly, same-day crowns aren't temporary, which means you won't have to return for a second appointment. Thirdly, these crowns are made of durable materials, making them less prone to cracks and wear and tear.

What to Expect During Your Same-Day Crown Procedure

The process of getting same-day crowns involves several steps. Firstly, your dentist will prepare your tooth by removing any decay or damage and shaping it to fit the crown. Next, an intraoral scanner is used to take digital impressions of your mouth. The image is then sent to a computer, which creates a model of your tooth. Your dentist will use this to design your crown's exact shape and size. The information is then sent to a milling machine, which creates your crown out of a block of ceramic. The crown is then bonded to your tooth, and any adjustments are made to ensure a perfect fit.

Are Same-Day Crowns Right For You?

Same-day crowns can benefit anyone who needs a dental crown but doesn't want to wait several weeks for the process to complete. However, not everyone is a good candidate for same-day crowns. If you need extensive tooth restoration, such as a root canal, or have severe tooth damage that needs shaping, you may need a traditional crown. Your dentist will determine which type of crown is best for your specific needs.

For more information on same-day crowns, contact a professional near you.
